Like all of us, there are SO MANY things I didn’t expect to happen this year. COVID happened. I freaked out for a while. Then got used to it. Then freaked out again. Then spiralled again. Then recovered. It was all a bit of an ongoing cycle for a few months. Now, in Thailand, at least, things have calmed down. We can travel domestically, we can move freely around the city – as long as our masks are on.
One thing I certainly didn’t expect to happen as a result of the pandemic was my love of photography to completely blossom. Being trapped inside, in a VERY SMALL condo in central Bangkok meant that I had to get really creative in terms of taking photos and being genuinely pleased with the results. I felt like I was absolutely brimming full of creativity and I absolutely LOVED it! And as someone who will often second guess what they’re putting out in terms of creativeness, this is a really big deal.
What I really loved about this impromptu portrait challenge I somehow set myself, is how the ideas would hit out of absolute nowhere! I was looking through my wardrobe, spotted my Vivetta dress, then decided I wanted to do a shoot featuring loads of hands. For the watermelon, it was inspired by a light beam and the way that falls. Sometimes I’d wake up first thing in the morning and idea would suddenly appear in my sleepy little mind. I absolutely loved that.
So here I am, just wanting to share some of my favourite creations over the past few months in quarantine. I’m so pleased with all of these colourful creations, and I really hope they inspire you to try out some ideas you might have been mulling over too! (It feels great, I promise!)